“I keep hearing about how you 2X and 4x advisors revenue… How do I produce bigger and faster results?”
A question advisors ask me all the time.
At the 23rd Double Your Affluent Clients® Boot Camp, over 70 advisors from across the U.S. and Canada invested three days transforming themselves and their advisor businesses.
I shared with them one of the BEST skills (yes, skill) I learned from a number of MY coaches.
It’s encapsulated in the formula for BIG RESULTS.
Here’s what gets in the way:
#3. You make decisions from your present (or worse, past) self.
If you want BIG results, you must make decisions from your FUTURE self.
What decision does your future self want you to make today?
#2 You focus on the cost.
If you want BIG results, you must make decisions by looking at the PAYOFF (never the cost).
#1 You want to bat 1.000 and never make a bad decision – which only fuels procrastination. Analysis paralysis.
Death to growth.
If you want BIG results, you must hone your decision making SKILL by being willing to bat .300. You can strike out on 7 out of 10 decisions.
What decision have you been putting off?
Make it NOW!