You deserve more prospects.
However, you won’t get more prospects because you deserve them. You get more prospects when you WIN the Prospect Battle.
The Prospect Battle is NOT with other advisors.
The Prospect Battle is NOT with better products.
The Prospect Battle is NOT with better ideas.
If you don’t get this, you’ll never be successful with Million Dollar E.L.K. Prospects.
The 6-inch battlefield that you must “take” if you are to have any chance of success is the mind of your prospect.
The Prospect Battle is the battle for attention. We are living in a what’s been called an Attention Economy.
Best Selling Author and Marketing Master, Seth Godin, says, “Attention from those interested and able to buy is worth more now than ever before. Companies like Google, Amazon, Daily Candy, Netflix, Target, and on and on traffic is attention. It’s their primary asset.”
As best we can understand it, the mind puts things that are important into little boxes, locks them up and resists having to open them up again once they are filled. Hence, once a prospect thinks they already have an advisor, there’s no need to address the issue again.
To unlock the box, the key is to offer prospects something of interest. Something of value.
Remember Scott’s 3-30-3 Rule.
You have 3 seconds… to EARN 30 more seconds… to EARN 3 more minutes of their attention. No value. No attention.
Time is not the issue any longer.
It’s attention!
The key? Offer VAC.
Value Added Content.
Marketing great, Robert Collier, said, “Always enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind.”
The “conversation” that is ALWAYS taking place in your prospect’s mind is their fears, worries and concerns.
If you want to gain attention with prospects, offer them content – seminars, webinars, emails, letters – about their biggest fears, worries and concerns. You will gain attention because you are relevant, helpful and insightful.
The result: attention and instant rapport.
VAC. Value Added Content.
Before you execute any marketing strategy, check it to see if it is VAC.