I gotta admit… it’s hard for me to root for Tiger in light of who he is. And, I gotta admit… I was rooting for him to win. There is part of me that is a fan. We all root for the underdog. READ MORE
Perceived Value is in the Eye of the Beholder
In the video below, Scott Keffer explains Perceived Value at the Double Your Affluent Clients Bootcamp event. Perceived Value is in the Eye of the Beholder (Below is the transcript from the READ MORE
The Principled Framework
In the video below, Scott Keffer explains The Principled Framework at the Double Your Affluent Clients Bootcamp event. (Below is the transcript from the video.) Here's the principled READ MORE
your marketing questions…
Get your biggest marketing questions answered… and get a shot at winning a Fitbit Versa watch. Recently, I launched a new YouTube channel and I’m releasing some brand-new videos where I answer YOUR READ MORE
The Problem with Expert Positioning
In the video below, Scott Keffer talks all about some of the problems associated with expert positioning in your industry. So, what are some of the problems with expert positioning? 1. Held to a READ MORE
Fearless Execution
In the video below, Scott Keffer talks all about fearless execution and why it's okay to do things you aren't necessarily comfortable with, as long as you make decisions, implement, and go for READ MORE