Kevin Harrington has taught me many things. In his latest book, Put A Shark In Your Tank, Kevin talks about becoming a KPI, Key Person Of Influence. You may not recognize his name, but you will READ MORE
it’s YOU, stupid…
“It’s the economy stupid,” was the phrase James Carville, an aide to candidate Bill Clinton, came up with during the 1992 presidential election to keep everyone on the team focused. “So, why should a READ MORE
affluent prospects don’t do this…
We stopped into a car dealership to look at a new SUV for Beth. The guy at the dealer said they have a new policy: no selling. Then he never stopped talking. Here’s the thing about affluent READ MORE
please pray…
As you know, this last week hurricane Harvey hit Texas and is still pounding Houston and the surrounding area with torrential rain. We coach several advisors in that area. Three things… One, please READ MORE
meet your NEW credibility partner…
Last week, the team and I recovered from the two events in Chicago the week before. It was accelerating… and exhausting! I created a brand-new training for our Mastery Coaching members and their READ MORE
advisor’s confusion… and battlefield…
Today is my wife, Beth’s birthday. :-) So, I’m off for the day celebrating with her. Many advisors are confused… They spend too much time thinking and worrying about their competition. The battle READ MORE