It’s amazing what happens when I can’t have something. I want it even more! How about you? Same thing? If that’s true with me and you, it’s true with prospects. If that’s true, why are you READ MORE
the 2 magic words that move prospects to action…
I love speaking to advisors. Every time I speak, I bust some pretty serious myths. Most advisors believe that prospects can be moved to take action with F.I.N.D.: facts, information, numbers and READ MORE
I want to help you… my super simple, success secret.
I want to share with you my super simple, business success secret. I learned it from my dad… kind of. My dad and I were never close growing up. He was Karl Keffer, III. My older brother was READ MORE
have you burned your hand?
You ever learn a painful lesson in life or business? Growing up, the best way to learn was to burn my hand when I touched the stove. The pain and the scar was a great way to learn. In business, pain READ MORE
do THIS before every meeting, seminar, presentation…
One of my private advisor clients, used one of there calls (smartly) to strategize next steps on an affluent prospect worth around $23 million. They knew (after many years coaching) where I would READ MORE
the marketing road to disaster…
The problem was, the so-called “advisor marketing experts.” “Consider everyone a prospect.” “Attract as many prospects as possible.” “Make everyone a client.” Once I started getting coached, it READ MORE