I loved watching the Pebble Beach Pro Am. Amazing course (which I’ve had the privilege of hacking up twice). It was so much fun watching the amateurs play with the best in the game. Jordan Spieth and READ MORE
when’s the best time?
We review the ONE Big Result for 2017 with our team every week and the SIX strategic initiatives to get there. What’s your ONE Thing for 2017? The Chinese ask and answer a series of questions to READ MORE
your ONE business wish
I’m your fairy godfather. What’s your one business wish for the year? If you are like most advisors, your answer is more Right Fit Clients. Step One is a written description of your Right Fit READ MORE
Is your marketing putting your prospects to sleep? During a day with international bestselling author Seth Godin, “Mr. Purple Cow,” I learned many things, including the absolute necessity to be READ MORE
who are your prospects listening to?
During a Mastermind Coaching session with successful business owners, each of us had to introduce ourselves and talk about our results. The company putting on the Program had grown from $1M to $100M READ MORE
it’s human nature
It’s amazing what happens when I can’t have something. Tell me I can’t have something and I want it even more! How about you? Same thing? It’s human nature… If that’s true, why are you pressing so READ MORE