Sometimes life is simpler than you think. What if there were only 3 things you need to have more affluent clients? Before the three, though, may I ask you a personal question: do you really want to READ MORE
throw away your To-Do lists… now…
“I’m done doing,” I exclaimed. After investing in the top time management training and systems, reading just about every book on the subject and trying them in my business and life since 1983, I READ MORE
NEVER ask a prospect THIS…
Cool ideas are not always what really works… At our upcoming 24th Double Your Affluent Clients™ Boot Camp (where I share what really WORKS when it comes to attracting AFFLUENT clients), I quote the READ MORE
your biggest marketing question?
Time flies… whether you are having fun or not (and I hope you ARE having fun in your business). First quarter is almost complete. What are your 3 BIG Results for the first quarter? How much READ MORE
#1 decision-killing mistake (and the BIG results formula)
“I keep hearing about how you 2X and 4x advisors revenue… How do I produce bigger and faster results?” A question advisors ask me all the time. At the 23rd Double Your Affluent Clients® Boot READ MORE
the #1 marketing number… you won’t agree
I’m a fan of making the complex simple. Not simplistic. Simple. Core. Drill down to the strategic essence. The 4% power of a principle that produces 64% of the results. The 20% of the 20% that READ MORE