Last week, I had the privilege of speaking to almost 500 folks in Los Angeles. Flying out with our daughter, Anni, confirmed my suspicion that that American Airlines hates customers more than U.S. READ MORE
Advisor Marketing
deep fried prospecting truth…
Some people say a deep fried turkey is the best. Beth and I have never tried one, since we are not a fan of deep-frying. Especially with me having reflux, where my stomach flap doesn’t work well to READ MORE
oh boy… celebrating with broth
Oh boy… Last year, Beth and I were celebrating Thanksgiving with broth in the hospital. :-) This year, after successful colon surgery and recovery, we will be enjoying turkey with Josh and his wife, READ MORE
most often neglected marketing tool…
Last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, almost 100 growth-minded advisors gathered in Pittsburgh for our 11th Double Your Affluent Clients® Boot Camp. WOW… it was a great experience! They discovered READ MORE
will this limit your business?
It was called the One Card System when I started in the insurance business in 1980. Get 100 clients year. Sell them whatever. The problem was, the so-called “experts” said I should make everyone my READ MORE
flashback… and time to stop
When I began the process of thinking about who I wanted to work with, I had a flashback about my first days in the business… and clarity about who I didn’t want to work with. When first building my READ MORE