Charlie called me out of the blue with an “opportunity.” For a 25 year old, any attention was flattering. “How would you like to be in your own business, where you can achieve financial freedom READ MORE
Advisor Marketing
lead a horse to water… wanna bet?
Last day of our two week vacation at the New Jersey shore, as I grabbed the stack of books I was going to read at the beach and twisted… My lower back blew out. It was from a 30-year old injury that READ MORE
looking for failures…
Last week, coaching members and my team were reminded of a powerful truth about success and building a profitable business. As I interviewed Bob Jordon, 75 advisors and members of their team were READ MORE
the third lie…
Lie #3: “The affluent know how to preserve and pass on their wealth.” Truth: Not true. In fact, they don’t even know how to think about this area of their life. The affluent have figured out their READ MORE
maybe you’ve heard this before…
You’ve heard it said before (not by someone who’s actually affluent themselves) that the affluent are just like everyone else. “They put their pants on one leg at a time.” Here’s Affluent Lie #2: READ MORE
didn’t work 32 years ago… doesn’t work now
On Thursday, Beth and I will celebrate 32 years of marriage. She is my best friend, counselor, companion, business partner and mother to our children. I am deeply grateful to have her in my READ MORE