I pulled out the chain saw and thought, I can’t remember how to start this. Vines and scrub trees were growing into the landscaping in our backyard. I had been putting it off and finally decided I READ MORE
wanna cement your clients to you for life?
I was cleaning up my office at home and found something that brought a smile to my face. Mondays are a strategic day, when I huddle with the team. If I’m not coaching, doing a live training, or READ MORE
Visible Authority Connection
Visible authorities already have an established credibility. In the video below, Scott Keffer explains Visible Authority Connection at the Double Your Affluent Clients Bootcamp. Visible READ MORE
The Credibility Staircase
In the video below, Scott Keffer explains the steps of the Credibility Staircase at the Double Your Affluent Clients Bootcamp The Credibility Stairscase (Below is the transcript from the READ MORE
Platforms: How Do Your Prospects Hear About You?
In the video below, Scott Keffer discusses platforms and how prospects learn about you. Platforms: How Do Your Prospects Hear About You? (Below is the transcript from the READ MORE
The Prospecting Myths
In the video below, Scott Keffer explains the great prospecting myths of advisor marketing. The Prospecting Myths (Below is the transcript from the video.) Here is a great prospecting myth. READ MORE