You’ve heard it said before (not by someone who’s actually affluent themselves) that the affluent are just like everyone else.
“They put their pants on one leg at a time.”
Here’s Affluent Lie #2: “The affluent are just like everyone else.”
Well, it may be true about how they get dressed, but it’s not true in just about every other way.
They aren’t like everyone else.
You’re an advisor… you know the social security statistics at age 65: 1 is wealthy; 4 are OK; 32 are dead; and the rest are dead broke!
They are the elite 1%!
Business success is similar: Something like 80 percent fail in the first 5 years; then another 90 percent in the next 5 years. Ultimately, something like 17 out of 18 fail!
So, the affluent are very different!
Therefore, they must be treated differently.
They want offerings that are unique to them… customized… distinctive. Not assembly-line product solutions like every other advisor out there.
One of the best ways to treat the affluent uniquely, is to speak their language… their dialect.
At the Newly updated Affluent Engagement System® Training, I spend two sessions on how to communicate with the affluent. Maybe I will see you there.