In the video below, Scott Keffer explains the Productive Framework during the Double Your Affluent Clients Bootcamp.
The Productive Framework
(Below is the transcript from the video.)
Anybody in here wish they could be more productive? Right. At the core of how do we do more with less is that whole idea of being productive. Okay, so productive.
Here’s my framework. It’s about the right, the right kind of business, the right kind of business. We have the right kind of business for the right reason, the right kind of business for the right reason, filled with right fit team members, filled with right fit team members. Built around right rituals which produces the right energy.
So this is about the right kind of business for the right reason, right fit team members, right rituals, produces the right energy.
So getting super clear about this. Okay, Eleanor Roosevelt: “Do something everyday that scares you.” What? Just wake yourself up.
So the right business, the right kind of business is one where I don’t need to do everything yourself. Is that good? Because we tend to, if I talk to most advisers, they think, “Oh, less team, the better.” Right? I’ll do it all myself. Spend more time on money making activities. RPAs, revenue producing actions, activities. Revenue producing. All right more time on RPAs, revenue production actions. Start to look at that.
New ideas don’t mean new work for you. There’s a new idea, it doesn’t mean more work. You want to make sure that your business is not consuming your life. Eating your lunch. The team is helping to grow the business. You spend less time putting out fires. You spend more time growing your business, growing the business.
So here’s the right reason to me. You’re not in business to run a business. Not in business to run a business. I don’t believe anybody’s been put on the planet to run a business, not your core purpose, not your big impact. Your business is to create the money, time and energy you need so you can have a big impact. So you can have the kind of big impact you want to have. To me, that’s the key.
The business is a machine that’s designed to produce money, time and energy, and a platform so that I can have the kind of big impact. How many want to have a bigger impact? Right? Good group.