We had 3 great days with advisors from California to New Hampshire to Texas… and in between. It was a fabulous training for the Seminar Money Machine™.
Advisors are consistently filling their seminars with 30 to 100 prospects. Yea. I love when our advisors succeed with our systems.
Why does it keep working? Repeatable system.
A system is a series of processes connected together.
It’s the secret to our success. Every attendee said that. Our systems are foul-proof because they are step by step with military precision.
For seminars, there are essentially 4 processes. A process to get qualified prospects to register. A process to ensure they attend the seminar. A process to motivate qualified attendees to sign up to meet with you (and to filter unqualified prospects out). And a process to ensure prospects show up in your office.
At the beginning of the training, one advisor asked me why I bash referrals, since he builds his business on referrals.
I told him I don’t bash referrals, I just know that they never provide a consistent, predictable and leverageable flow of new qualified prospects.
Here’s the real question for that advisor: if referrals provided a sufficient flow new clients, why was he at our Seminar Money Machine Training.
The answer is referrals don’t. And it’s not just me saying it. The January edition of Financial Advisor magazine reported that referrals, especially from affluent clients, were down 90%.
Check your numbers. How many referrals have you received this year that became clients? Last year? The year before?
See? You can’t predictably grow your business with referrals.
Here’s my philosophy about referrals. Get them when you can. And, stop depending on them to grow your business. Waiting for the day when the phone won’t stop ringing from referrals.
Start investing in a system that produces face-to-face appointments with qualified clients.