I get asked, “Scott, is your advisor marketing Boot Camp for every advisor?”
“No, we are not for every advisor. In fact, we are not for most advisors.”
If YOU want to magnetically attract AFFLUENT CLIENTS, you must employ the power of The Country Club Effect™.
When you flip the The Country Club Effect™ switch in the prospect’s mind, they will…
… want to be your client before they meet you, value working with you more, and even seek to win your approval.
There are 8 Country Club Activators that work together to “flip the switch” in the mind of an affluent prospect.
Activator #1 is Internal Exclusivity.
Internal Exclusivity is a strategic business decision.
A strategic decision YOU must make.
A strategic decision to:
STOP trying to be all things to all people.
STOP working with every prospect that comes your way.
STOP worrying about turning others off.
If you have been around me for a while, you have heard me share this analogy: Imagine your high school granddaughter asks you, “I’m going to let people know that I will go out with anyone. What do you think?”
I can hear your answer from here.
STOP marketing to prospects with the message that “you will go out with anyone.”
The industry teaches you to be all things to all people.
Making you nothing to no one.
Making you a commodity.
Making you a price decision.
Commodities are bought based on price.
If you get asked about fees, it’s because the industry has taught you to market yourself like a commodity.
Like rock salt. Bought on price.
Start by looking at your TOP 10 clients. Look for patterns.
You want ELK clients.
Easy to work with.
Listen to your advice.
Keep paying you the most.
Pick 3 ELK niches.
Then craft your marketing message to focus on your ELK niches and their biggest problems, issues and concerns.
The process of creating The Country Club Effect™ with prospects begins with YOU.
Decide today.