Happy Thanksgiving!
According to CNN, Americans serve roughly 46 million turkeys on Thanksgiving, with almost 9 out of 10 Americans feasting on the bird.
Each year for the last few years, rumors have circulated about a turkey shortage. When there is a shortage, what happens?
Yep. Prices go up.
What do you call a product or service that has excess quantity and availability to all people?
A commodity!
What happens to the perceived valued and the price of commodities?
When I called the best dermatologist in our area, his next appointment was ten months away and he had a waiting list for new clients. What can he charge? How do his clients value an appointment?
Imagine having a waiting-list business. How would access to you and your service be valued?
It’s time you stopped operating like you are a commodity.
Trying to be everything to everybody.
Taking any prospect that wants to work with you.
Trying to sell something to every prospect you meet.
Operating like that positions you as a commodity. Stop it. You are worth more than that.
Scarcity will increase your value!